Marinating in High Expectations

Sophia Cecilia
2 min readFeb 16, 2021

On Wednesdays, I marinate.

I sit in my three-hour long class on positive psychology and I just soak everything up. 90% is not new information, but as a teacher of students who are sometimes two or more grade levels behind, it’s necessary. Discussions of growth mindset, resilience, grit? Bring it on.

So, on Wednesdays, I soak. I’m dead tired, and every fiber in my body seems to be yearning to be in my bed. I soak regardless.

One of the biggest problems facing our kids today is that their teachers don’t believe in them. Or, they don’t believe in them enough.

And I get it. When you’ve tried ten different methods with a child, reviewed vocabulary twenty times, and made the same correction literally about a fifty times, it is just about the most frustrating thing ever. You start to doubt it’s possible — can this child really learn? But you’re supposed to be patient, so you smile, you breathe, and you keep going.


“They’re not going to college.” “They can’t do math.” “They can’t read.”

Hang around a group of teachers long enough, and you’ll hear this language. It’s ever-present, almost as a ever-present as general jokes about the administration or a cute story about a kid. Kids are pretty cute.

But on Wednesdays I hear stories about what happens when you believe in kids, believe in their capacity to learn and change, and I am able to reset. I can reclaim the attitude of radical…



Sophia Cecilia

elementary school teacher who loves the small children through their ridiculousness and brilliance